Thoughts by Paula

Art & AI – For the AI hesitant

I recently launched, with a friend, several meeting productivity ChatGPTs including ZAPbrief. When I went to share them with others I realized few had fully embraced AI. Which is what inspired the following video. I am an AI enthusiast and I look forward to sharing my AI adventures with you in the future.

Produced by: Jobby (

Welcome 2024!

Two years ago, I ventured into the realms of quantum computing and artificial intelligence. Today, as we step into 2024, I find myself deeply immersed in the development of two AI applications, as well as, relaunching Nadel Phelan as a premier agency providing global support.

Having witnessed the tech industry’s evolution first hand, I recognize AI as a significant tectonic shift which will introduce changes we have not yet begun to fathom. Blockchain technology may have a significant impact on business as usual, but it is eclipsed by the sheer magnitude of AI. No one claims to know where or what AI will become in our lives, but everyone agrees that its potential is boundless. It is constantly evolving and those of us who work with it daily can attest that there are no limits to AI, except those of our imagination.

In this new year, I look forward to continuing this amazing journey with all of you, as we explore the uncharted territories of AI and quantum computing together. Here’s to a year of innovation, discovery, and a true paradigm shift.

Public Relations Role in Your Up Coming Investor Road Show

In today’s competitive business landscape, public relations (PR) is an essential tool for startups seeking investors. PR not only helps startups gain visibility and credibility but also plays a crucial role in creating a positive impression for strategic investors, venture capitalists (VCs) and Limited Partners (LPs). This blog post will discuss the significance of generating awareness for startups, founders, and C-suite executives, as well as exploring how PR can assist startups in their journey to secure VC funding and to achieve a successful exit.

The Importance of Media Coverage for Startups

One of the key aspects that VCs and LPs look for in a startup is its media presence. Media coverage not only validates a startup’s business model and market potential but also demonstrates the management team’s ability to generate excitement and interest in their product or service. VCs often invest in startups that are associated with the latest trends and technologies. Therefore, securing coverage in reputable publications like Fast Company, Wired, and other future-focused media outlets can significantly boost a startup with disruptive technology the opportunity of attracting VC funding.

Media Coverage for Founders and C-suite Executives

In addition to the startup itself, VCs and LPs are also interested in the media coverage of the founders and C-suite executives. A strong media presence for the management team demonstrates their expertise, experience, and ability to lead the startup to success. VCs want to ensure that the people they are investing in have a proven track record and the skills necessary to take the company to the next level. As a result, positive media coverage for the founders and C-suite executives can be a powerful asset when seeking VC funding.

How PR Can Help Startups in the Funding Process

PR professionals can play a crucial role in helping startups navigate the complex world of VC funding. By crafting compelling stories and securing strategic media coverage, PR teams can help startups generate awareness and excitement among VCs and LPs. Some ways PR can support startups in their funding journey include:

• Creating a strong media presence: A well-executed PR campaign can help startups gain visibility and credibility, making them more attractive to potential investors.

• Showcasing the management team’s expertise: PR professionals can help position the founders and C-suite executives as thought leaders in their industry, demonstrating their ability to lead the startup to success.

• Aligning with industry trends and innovations: PR teams can help startups craft their messaging to align with the latest trends and technologies, making them more attractive to investors.

• Providing ongoing support during funding rounds: PR professionals can work closely with startups during their funding rounds, ensuring that they maintain a positive media presence and continue to generate excitement among investors.


In the world of venture capital and startups, PR plays a pivotal role in helping startups secure funding and achieve successful exits. By understanding the importance of media coverage and leveraging the expertise of PR professionals, startups can significantly increase their chances of attracting VC funding and setting themselves up for long-term success.

Public Relations MIA during the SVB debacle

In March 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) faced a public relations crisis when a social media firestorm caused the fastest collapse of an American bank. In hindsight, it’s clear that SVB the second largest bank failure in history, could have taken steps to prevent this crisis if not from happening or at least minimizing its impact. Here are some of the ways SVB could have prevented the run on their bank.

Proactively communicate with customers
One of the most important steps SVB could have taken is to proactively communicate with its customers. SVB could have used email and social media to keep customers informed during the crisis. The bank could have tweeted updates about the situation and what they were doing to resolve it. This would have allowed customers to get real-time information and feel more connected to the bank.

Increase transparency
During the crisis, SVB could have been more transparent with its customers. The bank could have issued a statement acknowledging the issue and explaining what they were doing to address it. By being transparent, SVB would have built trust with customers and shown that they were taking the situation seriously.

Offer alternatives
Another way SVB could have prevented the run on their services is by offering customers alternative ways to access their services. For example, the bank could have set up a dedicated phone line for customers seeking assistance.

Plan ahead
Finally, SVB could have prevented the crisis by planning ahead. The bank, knowing that it would take a short term loss on bonds before reinvesting the funds could have anticipated that investors would become nervous upon seeing a negative balance sheet. By planning ahead, SVB could have avoided the crisis altogether.

In conclusion, the run on SVB could have been prevented or at least minimized through effective PR strategies. By proactively communicating with customers, increasing transparency, utilizing social media, offering alternatives, and planning ahead, SVB could have avoided the frustration and anger of its customers and its ultimate collapse. In the future, it’s important for companies to prioritize PR as a crucial aspect of crisis management to protect their reputation and maintain the trust of their customers.

2024 Calendar

The yearly Nadel Phelan calendar (available upon request) features images that Paula has painted the preceding year. To request a copy, visit the Contact page and mention the calendar in the contact form.